Picture Steps.com has launched a great new line of organizational labels just in time for spring cleaning! Check out these fun labels to keep kids tidy and be sure to take advantage of the free recycling labels!
Monday, March 31
VIsit: Picture Steps
Picture Steps.com has launched a great new line of organizational labels just in time for spring cleaning! Check out these fun labels to keep kids tidy and be sure to take advantage of the free recycling labels!
Design Tip: Find Unique Color Palettes
Stuck on what to do for a color palette? Keep your eyes open for existing color palettes that might inspire your design/creation!
For example: I had wheat toast with peanut butter & jelly this morning, and realized that the color palette for PBJ is really quite unique! I'm definitely going to try it soon in my work. I think the key is to always be on the lookout for this sort of "color find." Colors are all around us and the combinations are endless! Another suggestion: keep a notebook with ideas for color. Just jot down ideas and tape clippings of great color ideas.
Saturday, March 29
Visit: Kids Birthday Shirts.com
Visit Kids Birthday Shirts.com by Broken Box Designs for Tees & Tops for your tiny tot's Birthday! We offer a wide variety of shirts for girls and boys, ranging from ages 1-10. Visit us today!
Thursday, March 27
FREEbie Friday: Spring Butterflies
FREE DOWNLOAD! Download Web File, Download Print File
Swirly Spring butterflies just in time for the beautiful weather. Hope these butterflies bring much sunshine wherever they are used! Visit Broken Box Stock for more stock art & freebies!
Wednesday, March 26
April Baby
Monday, March 24
Buy It! "Blossom Bird" Black & White Ink Print
Thursday, March 20
Vector Figures: Girls Dancing
© 2008 Tormont Publications
Vector figure girls dancing to their mp3 music.
Monday, March 17
Greeting Card Design: "Love" Card
© 2008 Future Oxygen Cards
Modern greeting card reads "love," designed for Future Oxygen Cards.
Sunday, March 16
Logo Design: Beecome United
© 2008 Beecome United
Logo design for new clothing line company for teens.
Saturday, March 15
"Dear Diary Dee"
Introducing "Dear Diary Dee," written & illustrated by (me). ;)
The story of "Dee"... is about a beautiful, 25 year-old, klutzy young woman, just barely getting by in a bustling city. She can't catch a break, and each way she turns another obstacle awaits. Dee is a mess. Her life is chaotic and disheveled, and never seems to go her way. Her personal diary will be the key to unlocking all her dreams and aspirations.
"Dear Diary Dee" was inspired by my love of sketching and the old fashioned comic strips that told a story to be continued every week. I wanted to create a fun, inspirational, yet realistic, online book that might be read while sipping that first cup of coffee every morning. My hope is for readers to enjoy both the illustrations and short "entries" posted several times a week (as time permits). ;) Dee's entries in her diary will be short and simple, to slowly build the plot and develop into an addictive modernized soap-opera style story. Dee is fictional, but will be easy to relate to in many ways. Her life isn't a fairy tale that makes you want to gag... and it isn't overly dramatic, it's "real" (but with some fictional creativity). So bookmark/subscribe to DearDiaryDee.com, to follow the story of Dee. ;)
Friday, March 14
FREEbie Friday: Teacup
FREE DOWNLOAD! Download Web File, Download Print File
Introducing "FREEbie Friday!" Where a free illustration will be available in print/web file downloads. Other FREEbies will be posted occasionally, but count on Friday as a day completely devoted to FREEbies! So, if it says "FREEbie," it's yours - just click the download links above!
The first FREEbie is this cute little teacup in powder blue with pink little flower. Curly steam rises in swirls above cup.
Wednesday, March 12
BUY IT!! Seasonal Tree: Spring

$10.00 (includes one print file & one web file)
Whimsical tree depicts cheerful Spring Season with flowers, greenery, the sun, a rainbow and more cute details! Image reads "Spring." For more stock art for sale visit Broken Box Stock!
Monday, March 10
Identity: Logo & Website Graphics
© 2008 Seagrass Company
Custom logo and website graphics to be applied to the Seagrass Company. Website graphics include: website header, navigational buttons, shipping banner and other complimenting graphics.
Custom Paintings For Home or Office!
© 2005 Wendy Sefcik
Searching for just the right painting for your home or office? All paintings are one-of-a-kind, original, hand painted works of art. Have a painting custom made to match your room's palette and decor! Contact us today for a quote!
Friday, March 7
Vector Figure: Girl With Her Kitty
© 2008 Tormont Publications
Vector figure girl playing with her kitty.
Tuesday, March 4
Vector Figures: Chat On The Phone
© 2008 Tormont Publications
Fun and girly vector figure illustrations of two girls chatting on the phone. To order custom vector art today please contact us for a quote!"
Monday, March 3
"Chit-Chat Note Cards" - Drop one in the mail today!
Adorable, trendy little girls adorn these simple yet touching note cards. Say exactly what is on your mind inside, yet appreciate the kick-off message on front! Colorful, stylized, hand-drawn illustrations make these note cards an exclusive Broken Box Designs™ line. Drop one in the mail today, emailed messages just get deleted! See the whole "Chit-Chat Note Card Collection!"